Aviation Projects played a part in Windlab securing development approval for Lakeland Wind Farm by preparing an Aviation Impact Assessment and negotiating an acceptable outcome with stakeholders including CASA and Cook Shire Council. Aviation Projects completed an Aviation Impact Statement (AIS), a qualitative risk assessment to determine the need for obstacle lighting and an obstacle lighting design specifying obstacle lighting plan and specifications. As part of the assessment Aviation Projects consulted with relevant stakeholders including Airservices Australia, CASA, Department of Defence, aerodrome operators and aircraft operators. The AIS includes specific requirements with regards to aerodromes, air routes, airspace and navigation/ radar.
Lakeland Wind Farm will be built around 60km south of Cooktown in Queensland, after being approved by the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning. The project will include up to 30 wind turbines as well as electrical infrastructure and will generate enough power to to supply more than 50,000 homes – around the number of households in Cook Shire, Mareeba Shire, Tablelands Region, and northern Cairns suburbs combined. Windlab worked closely with the department and local community to optimise the wind farm’s design and to accommodate the property development plans of a project neighbour.