Aviation Projects recently provided an Aviation Impact Assessment to assess the potential risks to aviation in response to the Transgrid and ElectraNet construction and operation of a new HV interconnector between NSW and SA, with an added connection to northwest VIC. Collectively, the proposed interconnector is known as EnergyConnect.
The NSW-SA interconnector involves the construction of a new 330 kV, above-ground transmission line between Robertstown in SA and Wagga Wagga in NSW. It also includes a 220 kV spur from Buronga in NSW to Red Cliffs in north-west VIC. The transmission line will be approximately 900 km in length and is being delivered in two sections:
- SA Section – construction of 275 kV and 300 kV transmission lines along a 205 km route between Robertstown and the NSW Border.
- NSW Section – construction of transmission lines between the SA Border and Wagga Wagga in NSW along a 700 km route. The NSW section is further split into two – the Western and Eastern section. The Western section is the SA/NSW border to Buronga to NSW/VIC border. The Eastern section is from Buronga to Wagga Wagga.
An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared to support Transgrid’s application for approval of the proposal in accordance with the requirements of the Envionmental Planning & Assessment Act. The EIS was temporarily placed on public exhibition by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and in response, Airservices Australia requested that an Aviation Impact Statement be completed for the proposal.
Our assessment responded to this submission and documented the outcome of the AIS, with consideration of the potential impacts on:
- Relevant legislation, regulations, standards and airport master plans applicable to airport and aircraft operations
- Certified aerodrome/airport operations due to potential intrusions into the obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) by towers or construction cranes
- Certified aerodrome/airports within 30 nautical miles (nm) of the transmission line due to potential intrusions into the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS) surfaces by towers or construction cranes
- Any non-certified aerodromes and aircraft landing areas (within 3 nm of the transmission line)
- Designated air routes, ADF flying operations and/or navigation aids and air traffic control surveillance systems
- Agricultural aircraft operations and other flow flying operations
- Required mitigation measures or approvals/authorisations in response to any identified impacts, such as requirements for hazard marking and lighting.
On 02 September 2022, the Minister for Planning conditionally approved the critical State significant infrastructure (CSSI) application to develop Project EnergyConnect (NSW - Eastern Section).
For more information on our Aviation Impact Assesssments, please contact us.