by Pavel Davidyuk, Specialist Consultant - Aviation Safety
The Airports Act 1996 and the Airports (Protection of Airspace) Regulations 1996 establish a system for the protection of airspace surrounding an airport from obstacles to ensure the safety and regularity of aircraft operations. Any activity that infringes an airport’s protected airspace, such as a building or crane, is referred to as a controlled activity and requires approval before it can be commence.
The proponent must submit an application to conduct a controlled activity to the airport operator. Depending on the project, a controlled activity can be permanent (i.e. a building or mast) or temporary (i.e. a crane which will be used for a limited period of time).
The airport operator may approve the application if there is no penetration, or in case that there is an intrusion to the prescribed airspace, will invite relevant organisation(s) to provide information on the effect that the activity will have with respect to the efficiency and regularity of air transport operations into and out of an airport, existing and in the future.
Aviation Projects has extensive experience in preparing aviation assessments to identify constraints over a proposed development site and proposing solutions to achieve optimal design which comply with Airports Regulations. For more information on airspace protection and the built environment, please contact us.
Tags: Airspace Protection, Aviation Assessment, Controlled Activity, Built Environment